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Friday, April 1, 2011


   This one, is the story of my life. I'm living proof that nice guys finish last. I don't understand why this is true, why it is this way, but for some stupid reason, it is. Why is it that when a woman is confronted with everything they want in a man, it's too much for them, or it's not enough for them. I just want to be friends, you're too emotional for me, you're way too nice a guy for me, I don't want to ruin our friendship. I've heard every single one of them and more. Then they turn around and give some jackass the chance that you've been patiently waiting for only to get used and abused. They choose the player, the guy who's gonna sleep with every girl he gets the chance to and discard them the minute they get what they want from them. Or they choose the wolf in sheeps clothing, the guy who pretends to be everything they want, only to change face behind closed doors then mentally and physically abuse them. If you listen to them tell it, they'll tell you what they're looking for is a nice guy who's in touch with their emotions, doesn't cheat, isn't abusive, someone who'll listen to them, and will be there for them when they need them to be."BLAH BLAH BLAH" Then they turn their nose up at that person every time they find him. The "playa" ain't gonna get the job done, he's just gonna play his game until the game is over, and that game ends in emotional pain and heartache. The offender will do exactly that,"offend", mental and physical abuse, and you'll have no choice but to accept it or he'll blacken your other eye!!! The nice guy, he's gonna show love, attention, affection, and respect. They won't cheat or abuse, they wont lie or do anything to purposely hurt or offend her. He's gonna do everything in his power to make her the happiest person on the planet, wanting only one thing in return, the reward of her love and happiness. Why would they choose anything other? INEXPERIENCE . The only women who choose the nice guys, are the ones who've been with the wrong guys, repeatedly, making that same mistake over and over. Only then will they learn the hard lesson of choosing the wrong type of guy. I often ask myself is it worth it, is it worth being the nice guy? Is it worth all the disappointment, all the heartache, all the turmoil. Probably not, but I can't change who I am, and don't want to. I've heard it a million times, you have to be an asshole to them, you gotta treat them like shit and they'll love you forever, and in watching, it seems to be true, but that just can't be true. I refuse to believe that if I ever want to be with a good woman, that i have to abuse her to keep her. That's too much for me. It's not who I am, and it's someone I'll never be. It seems to me that being a nice guy spells certain doom as far as relationships go. That's something that I'll have to live with though, for the rest of my life, cuz I'm no jackass, asshole, cheatin ass woman beater. I'm the floor mat that women love to wipe their feet on, I'm the softy that just can't handle it, but in reality, there's not a player or offender alive that can shake a stick at me, that can hold a candle next to me, that can stand on the same physical or mental plane with me, you line 'em up and I'll knock 'em down!!! I'll promise you that !!! The bottom line is this, if you ever come across the nice guy, don't be afraid of what he offers you, give the poor guy a chance already, because that's what he's dying to have, just one chance to find true love :)    - Steve Burns, a nice guy, BUT.....      lol


  1. to all the ladies out there who've found your nice guy, congratulations and good job :)

  2. Nice guys do NOT always finish last my friend. Don't change who you are EVER. You simply must be patient, keep working on the areas that need improvement(because we are all works in progress)and one day someone will be smart enough to appreciate that effort. There are women out there with standards.....

  3. I know Mrs. May-ree, I will always keep hope alive :)

  4. This is what I read in all that you wrote. You know very well the kind of women who wants the "bad boy". Sounds like you have heard it all and by a few of the same kinds of women. Maybe, just maybe you don't attract these type of women. Maybe you are attracted to those kind of women. If you did an inventory of all the women you have ever held a touch for. You may find some similarities between them all. My point is figure out what is in common and just maybe you will see the red flags before you give your heart away again. Good guys don't finish last. Sounds like your "picker" is in need of repair.

  5. you very well may be right lorra, but I wasnt saying this just about me :) I'm saying it in general. this applies to sooooo many different people and their situations as well as mine :) and is more common than most people think. If I look at all the women I've had relationships with, they were all different types of people, I even tried the "religious" chik. She was a cheater too. I luv the input tho. I definitely HAD a bad picker :) that's for sure, but it's in fine working order now :) I know who I'm looking for :) And I won't settle for less, ever again :)
